A single proprioceptor in the tailfan of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii
(Girard), innervated by only twelve sensory neurones encodes the position a
nd the direction and velocity of movement of the exopodite relative to the
endopodite. Most of the sensory neurones project to, and terminate in, the
terminal abdominal ganglion where they form a map in which projection posit
ion is based on the velocity threshold of the sensory neurone. The sensory
signals from this small proprioceptor have significant effects on the neuro
nal circuits mediating escape swimming and activate the lateral giant inter
neurone directly through monosynaptic connections and indirectly via a disy
naptic pathway involving a number of interposed intersegmental interneurone
s. The lateral giant interneurones are activated through electrical synapse
s whereas the ascending interneurones in the disynaptic pathway are excited
through both electrical and chemical synapses. The proprioceptive signals
are also responsible for evoking widespread presynaptic inhibition of exter
oceptive afferents that reduces the efficacy of their outputs. This pathway
therefore reduces afference caused by water movement as a result of an ani
mals own escape movements. Movements of the chordotonal organ also lead to
a delayed input to giant motor neurone that is timed to occur during flexio
n movements of the abdomen. Thus not only do the proprioceptive signals act
ivate the escape pathway leading to a tail-flip, but they also protect it f
rom unwanted sensory input, and may also prevent depression of its neuromus
cular synapses.