An examination of the naso-frontal angle shows that a cranial or caudal shi
ft in position affects the dorsum length. The fundamental aspect characteri
zing the naso-frontal angle is its width: it may be normal, too wide, or to
o narrow. It's easier to modify a too-narrow angle than a too-wide one. We
show surgical techniques, emphasizing their method applied to the over-wide
angle. The second "idee fixe" is the morphology of the alar lateral crus.
Every variety of this structure has a peculiar property of shape and relati
onship with other elements that predetermines the therapeutic action. Diagr
ams and photographs are shown to describe the surgical techniques and the c
linical results. There is also a demonstration of the method for alar later
al crus resection, which we call "the long keel shape," since it resembles
the shape of a sailboat keel.