Background: The low level of response (LR) to alcohol is genetically influe
nced in both humans and animals, and a low LR is a characteristic of offspr
ing of alcoholics that has been reported to predict alcoholism 10 and 15 ye
ars later. The genes that contribute to a low LR have not yet been identifi
Methods: A 12-item questionnaire that measures LR, the Self Rating of the E
ffects of Alcohol (SRE) instrument, was filled out by 745 individuals from
the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA) for whom genet
ic material was available. These subjects were genotyped by using 336 marke
rs with an average heterozygosity of 0.74 and an average intermarker distan
ce of 10.5 cM. Both quantitative and qualitative nonparametric, sib-pair an
alyses were carried out for the SRE measure related to early drinking exper
Results: Correlations of SRE scores across related individuals were signifi
cant and between 0.16 and 0.22 for most values, compared with nonsignifican
t correlations of 0.03 or less among unrelated individuals. Linkage analyse
s performed by using the FIRST 5 variables (first five times alcohol is con
sumed) identified four chromosomal regions with lod scores greater than or
equal to2.0 whose maximum was also near a marker. One of these chromosomal
regions previously was linked to alcohol dependence in the COGA sample.
Conclusions: These data document the familial nature of a low LR to alcohol
as measured by the SRE and suggest several chromosomal regions that might
contribute to the phenomenon.