For four decades scholars have sought to explain the rise of dissensus on t
he U.S. Supreme Court. While the specific explanations they offer vary, vir
tually all rest on a common story: during the nineteenth (and into the twen
tieth) century, the Supreme Court followed a norm of consensus. That is, th
e justices may have privately disagreed over the outcomes of cases but mask
ed their disagreement from the public by producing consensual opinions. The
problem with this story is that its underlying assumption lacks an empiric
al basis. Simply put, there is no systematic evidence to show that a norm o
f consensus ever existed on the Court.
We attempt to provide such evidence by turning to the docket books of Chief
Justice Waite (1874-1888) and making the following argument: if a norm of
consensus induced unanimity on Courts of by-gone eras, then the norm may ha
ve manifested itself through public unanimity in the face of private confer
ence disagreements. Our investigation, which provides systematic support fo
r this argument and thus for the existence of a norm of consensus, raises i
mportant questions about publicly unified decision-making bodies, be they c
ourts or other political organizations.