Chip-based microcolumn separation systems often require serpentine channels
to achieve longer separation lengths within a compact are;a. However, anal
yte bands traveling through curved channels experience an increased dispers
ion that can reduce the benefit of increased channel length. This paper pre
sents analytical solutions for dispersions, numerical models for minimizing
dispersion in microchannel turns, and experiments used to validate numeric
al models and to demonstrate the effectiveness of dispersion-reduction sche
mes. An analytical solution for the geometric dispersion caused by a consta
nt radius turn is presented. We also propose metrics for characterizing the
performance of miniaturized electrophoresis systems that utilize dispersio
n-introducing turns. The analytical solution and metrics can be used to det
ermine when compensating turns should be used and when these turns are eith
er not necessary or ineffective. For situations where a constant radius tur
n introduces significant geometric dispersion, numerical shape optimization
routines were used to determine optimal geometries that minimize geometric
dispersion while limiting reductions in channel width. Experiments using p
hotobleached-fluorescence and caged-fluorescence visualization were conduct
ed to validate the employed numerical models and to verify the turn designs
proposed here.