Objectives-To investigate the effects of collagen induced arthritis (CIA) o
n the tensile properties of rat anterior cruciate Ligament (ACL).
Methods-The tensile strength, bone mineral density (BMD), and histology of
ACL units from rats with CIA were investigated.
Results-The tensile strength of the ACL unit was significantly lower in the
rats with CIA at 10 weeks after immunisation (ultimate failure load, 74.9%
of the control; stiffness, 62.0% of the control). The major mode of failur
e was femoral avulsion, and the BMD was significantly lower in the rats wit
h CIA. A histological examination of the ligament insertion in rats with CI
A showed resorption of the cortical bone beneath the ACL insertion and an e
nlarged mineralised fibrocartilage zone.
Conclusions-These findings indicate that the decrease in tensile strength o
f ACL units correlated with histological changes in the ligament-bone attac
hment, such as bone resorption beneath the ligament insertion site and an e
nlargement of the mineralised fibrocartilage zone.