The adverse effects of vaccines include local reactions and systemic sympto
ms or illnesses. Local reactions are frequent, most often presenting as tra
nsient pain, redness, edema and/or nodule. Fever of short duration is the m
ain systemic symptom, generally occurring within 24-48 hours following vacc
ination. Some vaccines have recognized specific adverse effects such as thr
ombocytopenic purpura for the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, and febrile co
nvulsions for the pertussis vaccine. Hepatitis B vaccine and Haemophilus in
fluenzae type b vaccine have been respectively suspected to be responsible
for neurological demyelinating disease and insulin-dependent diabetes melli
tus, but large-scale epidemiological studies have failed to confirm these a
llegations. (C) 2001 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.