During their 7- to 9-day lifespan in the circulation, platelets perform an
ill-defined baseline function that maintains the integrity of the vasculatu
re. In thrombocytopenic states, there is an increase in vascular permeabili
ty and fragility, which is presumably due to absence of this platelet funct
ion. In sharp contrast, biochemical or physical injury in the coronary, car
otid, or peripheral arteries induces platelet activation and platelet recru
itment, which can progress to thrombotic vascular occlusion. Because there
is 1 death every 33 seconds from vascular occlusion in the United States, t
his problem has critical public health implications. In this review, we des
cribe the characterization of a novel potential antithrombotic agent with a
unique mode of action--biochemical "deletion" of ADP from an activated pla
telet releasate, which thereby inhibits platelet recruitment and further ac