In one of the first genetic screens aimed at identifying induced developmen
tal mutants, Nadine Dobrovolska'ia-Zavadskaia, working at the Pasteur Labor
atory in the 1920s, isolated and characterized a mutation affecting Brachyu
ry, a gene that regulates tail and axial development in the mouse. Dobrovol
skai'a-Zavadskai'a's analysis of Brachyury and other mutations affecting ta
il development were among the earl lest attempts to link gene action with a
tissue-specific developmental process in a vertebrate, Her analyses of gen
es that interacted with Brachyuryled to the discovery of the t-haplotype ch
romosome of mouse, After 70 years, Brachyury and the multiple genes with wh
ich it interacts continue to occupy a prominent focus in developmental biol
ogy research. A goal of this review is to identify the contributions that D
obrovolskai'a-Zavadskaia made to our current th in ki ng about Brachyury an
d how she helped to shape the dawn of the field of developmental genetics.
(C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.