Intracranial calcification and microcephaly, which represent the main clini
cal features of the TORCH-syndrome, can also be determined by a rare autoso
mal recessive infection-like condition named pseudo-TORCH syndrome. This em
erging entity has been registered in eight families so far. We report on fi
ve patients from three unrelated Italian families affected by pseudo-TORCH
syndrome. Reevaluation of literature allowed us to draw a specific clinical
profile of the syndrome. Indeed, congenital microcephaly, congenital cereb
ral calcification, spasticity and seizures are the main clinical features,
and have been present in almost all patients reported so far. On the contra
ry, findings resembling congenital infectious diseases including neonatal i
cterus, hyperbilirubinemia, thrombocytopenia, and hepatomegaly, affect less
than half of the patients. Considering the diagnosis of pseudo-TORCH syndr
ome in patients with neonatal microcephaly and cerebral calcification is ne
cessary since an early diagnosis may allow adequate genetic counseling to t
he families. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.