Cataract prevalence increases with age. As the world's population ages, cat
aract-induced Visual dysfunction and blindness is on the increase. This is
a significant global problem. The challenges are to prevent or delay catara
ct formation, and treat that which does occur.
Genetic and environmental factors contribute to cataract formation. However
, reducing ocular exposure to UV-B radiation and stopping smoking are the o
nly interventions that can reduce factors that affect the risk of cataract.
The cure for cataract is surgery, but this is not equally available to ail
, and the surgery which is available does not produce equal outcomes.
Readily available surgical services capable of delivering good vision rehab
ilitation must be acceptable and accessible to all in need, no matter what
their circumstances. To establish and sustain these services requires compr
ehensive strategies that go beyond a narrow focus on surgical technique. Th
ere must be changes in government priorities, population education, and an
integrated approach to surgical and management training. This approach must
include supply of start-up capital equipment, establishment of surgical au
dit, resupply of consumables, and cost-recovery mechanisms. Considerable in
novation is required. Nowhere is this more evident than in the pursuit of s
ecure funding for ongoing services.