Skin preparation burns associated with chemical agents are uncommon. They o
ccur most frequently in patients placed in the lithotomic position undergoi
ng gynaecologic or urologic operations, the burn being on the buttocks, and
in those undergoing orthopaedic operations, the burn being on the extremit
ies and under a tourniquet. The basic mechanism involves irritation coupled
with maceration and pressure. If the betadine solution has not been allowe
d to dry and has been trapped under the body of the patient in a pooled dep
endent position, such as the buttocks or under a tourniquet, the solution m
ay irritate the skin and result in a skin burn. The irritation coupled with
pressure leads to a situation analogous to that seen in the development of
an acute accelerated decubitus ulcer; irritation, maceration, friction and
pressure compounding each other to result in a skin burn or superficial ul
cer in the skin. Our experience with three illustrative patients who presen
ted with various burns following exposure to povidone-iodine (betadine) is
described below. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserve