Tell A Friend (TAF) is the nationwide program of the American Cancer Societ
y that aims to decrease cancer mortality by encouraging unscreened women to
have mammograms using a peer-to-peer approach. An evaluation via the Colla
borative Evaluation Fellows Project:Project attempted to identify barriers
and facilitators to successful implementation of TAFin-the New England divi
sion. The proposed method included three surveys; this was revised because
of a low response rate to initial e-mailed survey The actual method include
d one shortened-survey and one follow-up survey Results are presented for a
n initial and shortened surrey for staff and a follow-up survey of responde
nts. Initial TAF implementation timelines were unrealistic, and the field s
taff encountered many barriers to implementation of TAF in the targeted com
munities. Changes are being made in training, management, and resources to
ensure successful implementation Continuous re-evaluation is planned to ens
ure the succeessful implementation and conduct of file program.