The crystallochemical evolution of pyrochlores in the course of the meteori
c alteration has been followed, with classical techniques of mineralogical
investigation (optical microscopy, SEM, electron microprobe SX50 CAMECA), o
n drilling and trenches tallying the thick ferrallitic alteration cover in
the Catalao II ore deposit (the Goias state, Brazil). An abrupt transformat
ion of the primary pyrochlores (pyrochlore s.s.) into secondary species of
the type bario or cerio-pyrochlore has thus been observable to the pedogene
tic silcrete level of depth (30-40 m). This transformation shows the charac
teristics of a pseudomorphose and results from the preferential washing of
some cations (Na, Ca) and anions (F), partially replaced by Ba or REE and (
OH). (C) 2001 Academie des sciences / Editions scientifiques ct medicales E
lsevier SAS.