Silvicultural practices are important factors in determining water yield an
d quality from forested watersheds. Similarly gods for water yield and qual
ity significantly influence the acceptability of various silvicultural prac
tices. Developed through a process of consulting experts in various subspec
ialties of natural resource management, the NED1 decision support software
is designed to provide a structure for project-level analysis of management
alternatives based on identified goals. Using this software, one can analy
ze forest conditions in the northeastern United States with respect to wate
r, wildlife, timber production, visual quality, and general ecological goal
s. Water quantity goals include increasing water flow, maintaining a minimu
m flow, and limiting peak flow. Water quality goals include intensive water
course protection, wetlands protection, riparian area management, cold-wate
r fish habitat, and warm-water fish habitat. In all cases, a minimum goal o
f obeying the law by following statutory best management practices (BMPs) i
s implied, whether or not one selects another water goal. Given a set of go
als, a user of the NED system can analyze which goals are met under alterna
tive silvicultural prescriptions or other activities and resolve which goal
s may or may not be compatible with each other. Published by Elsevier Scien
ce B.V.