Many interventional techniques aimed at achieving nonsurgical ablation of h
epatocellular carcinoma have been developed and clinically tested over the
last decade. Percutaneous image-guided therapies such as ethanol injection
and radiofrequency thermal ablation provide an effective means for treating
hepatocellular carcinoma lesions smaller than 3cm, but do not ensure succe
ssful ablation of larger tumors. In view of the limitations of available in
terventional therapies, there is currently a focus on a multimodality strat
egy for the treatment of large hepatocellular carcinomas. Combination of tr
anscatheter arterial chemoembolization and ethanol injection overcomes the
weakness of each of the two procedures, enhancing local therapeutic effect
and longterm survival. More recently, a new technique for single-session ab
lation of large hepatocellular carcinoma lesions has been devised by combin
ing transcatheter hepatic arterial balloon occlusion/embolization and radio
frequency treatment. This combined approach substantially increases the the
rmal necrosis volume that can be created with respect to the conventional r
adiofrequency technique, as a result of the reduction of heat loss caused b
y convection. In a pilot multicentric clinical trial performed in 62 patien
ts, successful ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma lesions ranging 3.5-8.5
cm in diameter was achieved in 82% of cases in the absence of major complic
ations. This new technique seems to have the potential to replace other int
erventional methods for the treatment of large hepatocellular carcinoma.