Our previous studies have established that angiotensin (Ang) LT stimulates
the release, uptake, and synthesis of norepinephrine (NE) in brain neurons
involving distinct signal transduction pathways. However, little is known i
f this NE neuromodulatory effect is a result of Ang II activation of vesicu
lar trafficking in the catecholaminergic neurons. Thus, the aim of this stu
dy was to determine if Ang II influences movement of vesicles in live neuro
ns. Dopamine-beta -hydroxylase (DPH) fused to green fluorescence protein (G
FP) has been used to trace vesicular movement in live neurons by confocal m
icroscopy. Transfection by a plasmid containing GFP-D betaH resulted in the
expression of green fluorescence, representing approximate to 100 kDa GFP-
D betaH fusion protein. The fluorescence was predominantly localized in the
perinuclear region of the neuronal soma, with a few neurites also depictin
g the fluorescence. Ang LT caused a dramatic redistribution of fluorescence
. The fluorescence was translocated to the neurites in a time-dependent man
ner. As a result, the number of neurites depicting fluorescence was signifi
cantly increased. The translocation was blocked by losartan, an Ang n type
1 receptor subtype-specific antagonist and not by PD123319, an Ang II type
2 receptor subtype antagonist. High-magnification confocal microscopic exam
ination revealed that Ang II treatment resulted in a distal movement of cer
tain fluorescent clusters in the neurites at an average rate of 0.84 +/-0.2
mum/s. These observations suggest increased vesicular trafficking is a key
signaling event in Ang II stimulation of NE neuromodulation.