Semiconductor reliability issues are beginning to emerge as a major impedim
ent to long term reliability of critical systems such as Internet routers,
ATM machines, and Automotive/Aerospace fly-by-wire systems. Semiconductors
have certain defined failure modes that can contribute to end-of-life failu
res. These modes include time-dependent dielectric breakdown of the gate ox
ide (TDDB), hot carrier damage, and metal migration. All of these common fa
ilure modes are far worse at geometries below 0.25 u. Fortunately, there ar
e methods proposed that counteract these common failure modes. This paper s
urveys the problems involved, and recommends a methodology for the inclusio
n of pre-calibrated prognostic cells that can be co-located with a host cir
cuit to provide an "early-warning" of a system failure, so that appropriate
corrective action can be taken.