This paper begins by summarizing the results of a qualitative explorat
ory study of thirty experienced social workers which was undertaken in
order to identify some characteristics of social work expertise. Some
of the features identified include a confidence with professional ide
ntity and an ability to deal with complexities. Participants were also
able quickly to prioritize relevant factors and were aware of constra
ints and resources, but made conscious use of formal theory only minim
ally. The full results of this study are reported elsewhere (Fook et a
l., in press). The main purpose of this paper is to explore the implic
ations of these results in developing a theory of social work expertis
e. The issues examined include the debates around the relationship bet
ween theory and practice in social work, the generic versus the specia
list nature of social work, the relevance of existing theories of expe
rtise to social work, and the affirmation of artistic elements of soci
al work practice.