The hypothesis of the gear failure mode Tooth Interior Fatigue Fracture (TI
FF), i.e. a fatigue crack is initiated in the interior of the tooth, is ana
lysed by numerical simulations using FEM and the critical plane fatigue ini
tiation criterion according to Findley. The residual stress profile in the
gear is simulated and calibrated versus a neutron diffraction residual stre
ss measurement. Fatigue properties are determined experimentally and are ta
ken to vary with depth in the numerical analysis. In addition, the effect o
f shot peening is included. The analysis shows that a TIFF-crack is initiat
ed approximately mid-height of the tooth and slightly below the case-core b
oundary. Furthermore, the analysis shows that TIFF is more pronounced in id
lers than in single stage gears. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights