The aim of the study was to use population-based data from 689 adults to de
scribe the socio-demographic, behavioural and biomedical correlates of HIV
infection and aid identification of effective HIV control strategies for ru
ral Zimbabwe. Dried blood spot and urine samples were collected for HIV and
sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing and participants were interview
ed on socio-demographic characteristics, sexual behaviour and experience of
STD symptoms. HIV seroprevalence was 23.3% and was higher in females, divo
rcees, widows, working men, estate residents, and respondents reporting his
tories of STD symptoms. Female HIV seroprevalence rises sharply at ages 16-
25. A third of sexually-active adults had experienced STD-associated sympto
ms but there were delays in seeking treatment. Herpes simplex virus type 2
(HSV-2) and Trichomonas vaginalis are more common causes than syphilis, gon
orrhoea, and chlamydia, and are strongly associated with HIV infection. Loc
al programmes promoting safer sexual behaviour and fast and effective STD t
reatment among young women, divorcees and working men could reduce the exte
nsive HIV transmission in rural communities.