A one-dimensional ring-pack lubrication model developed at MIT is applied t
o simulate the oil film behavior during the warm-up period of a Kohler spar
k ignition engine. This is done by making assumptions for the evolution of
the ail temperatures during warm-up and that the oil control ring during do
wnstrokes is fully, flooded. The ring-pack lubrication model includes featu
res such as three different lubrication regimes, i.e., pure hydro-dynamic l
ubrication, boundary lubrication and pure asperity contact, nonsteady wetti
ng of both inlet and outlet of the piston ring, capability to use all ring
face profiles that can be approximated by piece-wise polynomials, and, fina
lly, the ability to model the rheology of multigrade oils. Not surprisingly
the simulations show that by Snr the most important parameter is the tempe
rature dependence of the oil viscosity.