Dimensional metrology improvements are needed to achieve the fabrication of
repeatable devices, This research presents a new optomechanical technique
for measuring the thickness of a suspended material in two distinct microel
ectromechanical system (MEMS) fabrication processes. This technique include
s design of test structure, choice of measurement tools, method of measurem
ent, and computation of thickness. Two tools, the stylus profilometer and o
ptical interferometer, are used to take measurements, Non-contact measureme
nts are possible on structures as narrow as 5 mum. Local thickness measurem
ents are achievable with combined standard uncertainty values of less than
10 nm, Benefits of using the new technique include greater likelihood of fa
bricating repeatable devices and more accurate measurements of material par
ameters. The proposed technique is also applicable for measuring layers tha
t are thinner and made of materials other than the conventional suspended m
aterial used in this research.