This report discusses the development of a coping skill training program fo
r parents of substance-abusing adolescents and presents preliminary data on
the effects of the program on parent functioning and adolescent substance
use. The behavioral-analytic model of program development was used to sampl
e representative problematic situations experienced by parents of substance
-abusing adolescents, obtain an effectiveness-scaling of responses to these
situations, and derive alternate forms of a situational role-play measure
of parental coping. These situations and scoring guidelines were then used
to create the skill training program. Parents of substance-abusing adolesce
nts not in treatment subsequently were randomly assigned in a pilot investi
gation to either a skill training or delayed treatment condition. Skill tra
ining resulted in significant improvement in parental coping skills relativ
e to delayed treatment. Moderate to large improvement in the parent's repor
t of their own functioning, family communication, and the teen's marijuana
use also favored the skill training group. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. A
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