Purpose: A technique is described to optimize exposure during female pubect
omy to minimize injury to associated urological structures.
Materials and Methods: Three females with diagnosed osteomyelitis pubis und
erwent pubectomy. Before resection of the bone, the patients underwent a fo
rmal combined transvaginal and retropubic dissection. This dissection allow
ed complete freeing of the urethra and bladder from areas of orthopedic res
ection and optimized surgical exposure.
Results: All operations were completed successfully with no incidence of in
traoperative urological structure injury and no postoperative pelvic instab
ility. None of the patients required intraoperative or postoperative blood
transfusions. Pelvic pain resolved in all 3 patients.
Conclusions: Using a combined transvaginal and retropubic technique, the ur
ologist may assist the orthopedic surgeon at the time of pubectomy. This te
chnique potentially minimizes the incidence of vesical and urethral injury.