The semaphorins are a large family of secreted or cell-bound signals needed
for the development of the nervous system. We compared mRNA expression of
class 3 semaphorins (Sema3A. 3B, 3C and 3F) and their two receptors (Neumpi
lin-1 and -2) in the embryonic mouse first molar tooth germ(E10-18) by radi
oactive in situ hybridization. All genes showed distinct developmentally re
gulated expression patterns during tooth organogenesis. interestingly. Sema
3A and 3C were first detected in the early dental epithelium and later both
genes were present in the epithelial primary enamel knot, a putative signa
ling center of the embryonic tooth regulating tooth morphogenesis. Prior to
birth, Sema3A was also observed in tooth-specific cells. preodontoblasts,
which later differentiate into odontoblasts secreting dentin, and in the me
senchymal dental follicle cells surrounding the tooth germ. Sema3B appeared
transiently in the dental mesenchyme in the bud and cap stage tooth while
Sema3F was expressed in both epithelial and mesenchymal components of the t
ooth. Of note. Npn-1 expression pattern was largely complementary to that o
f Sema3A, and transcripts were restricted to the dental mesenchymal cells.
Npn-l expression was first seen in the developing dental follicle. and late
r transcripts also appeared in the dental papilla mesenchyme. In contrast,
Npn-2 signal was seen in both epithelial and mesenchymal tissues such as in
the primary enamel knot and preodontoblasts. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ire
land Ltd. All rights reserved.