Objective: To find out the duration of postoperative pneumoperitoneum
and the factors that are responsible for its persistence. Design: Pros
pective open (non-random) study. Setting: County hospital, Denmark. Su
bjects: 32 patients over 18 years of age undergoing abdominal operatio
ns during a 6 month period. Interventions: Abdominal radiographs with
the patient in the left lateral position were taken at fixed time inte
rvals until no free air could be seen. Main outcome measures: The amou
nt of free air and the time postoperatively by which it had disappeare
d. Results: In 20% of the patients the air had disappeared within 48 h
ours and only one patient (3%) had free air for more than five days po
stoperatively. High body mass index and a small initial amount of free
air were associated with the shortest period of postoperative pneumop
eritoneum. Conclusion: Postoperative pneumoperitoneum disappeared with
in two days in most patients. Heavier patients and patients with small
volumes of free air initially had the shortest duration of pneumoperi
toneum. There were large variations among patients in the volumes of f
ree air.