If the primordial fluctuations are non-Gaussian, then this non-Gaussianity
will be apparent in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky. With their s
ensitive all-sky observation, MAP and Planck satellites should be able to d
etect weak non-Gaussianity in the CMB sky. On a large angular scale, there
is a simple relationship between the CMB temperature and the primordial cur
vature perturbation: DeltaT/T = - Phi /3. On smaller scales. however, the r
adiation transfer function becomes more complex. In this paper, we present
the angular bispectrum of the primary CMB anisotropy that uses the full tra
nsfer function. We find that the bispectrum has a series of acoustic peaks
that change a sign and a period of acoustic oscillations is twice as long a
s that of the angular power spectrum. Using a single non-linear coupling pa
rameter to characterize the amplitude of the bispectrum. we estimate the ex
pected signal-to-noise ratio for COPE, MAP, and Planck experiments. In orde
r to detect the primary CMB bispectrum by each experiment, we find that the
coupling parameter should be larger than 600, 20, and 5 for COBE, MAP, and
Planck experiments, respectively. Even for the ideal noise-free and infini
tesimal thin-beam experiment, the parameter should be larger than 3. We hav
e included effects from the cosmic variance, detector noise, and foreground
sources in the signal-to-noise estimation. Since the simple inflationary s
cenarios predict that the parameter is an order of 0.01, the detection of t
he primary bispectrum by any kind of experiments should be problematic for
those scenarios. We compare the sensitivity of the primary bispectrum to th
e primary skewness and conclude that, when we can compute the predicted for
m of the bispectrum, it becomes a "matched filter" for detecting the non-Ga
ussianity in the data and a much more powerful tool than the skewness. For
example, we need the coupling parameter of larger than 800, 80, 70, and 60
for each relevant experiment in order to detect the primary skewness. We al
so show that MAP and Planck can separate the primary bispectrum from variou
s secondary bispectra on the basis of the shape difference. The primary CMB
bispectrum is a test of the inflationary scenario and also a probe of the
non-linear physics in the very early universe.