Thirteen gene-specific primer sets provided by the U.S. Poultry Genome Coor
dinators were used to investigate DNA polymorphisms between two highly inbr
ed chicken Lines of Leghorn and Fayoumi origin. Nucleotide and predicted am
ino acid sequences were then compared among these chicken lines and the Gen
bank sequences of chicken, mouse, and human. The following genes were selec
ted as candidates for immune response or transcription activation: B2M, DAD
1, IAP1, IL2, IXEB1, LAP18, MAFL, POU1F1, RREB1, TAD, TBP1, TCRG, and ZOV3.
Total cDNA was obtained from the spleens of Leghorn and Fayoumi lines by r
everse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and was used as a temp
late to PCR-amplify gene-specific products. All primers except POU1F1 and T
CRG generated single PCR products of the predicted 325- to 667-bp size, con
firming the efficacy of these gene-specific primers in the chicken. Three a
nd seven of the 11 amplified gene fragments yielded line-specific nucleotid
e polymorphisms between the Leghorn and Fayoumi sequences and between the L
eghorn and Genbank chicken sequences respectively. Similarities between inb
red Leghorn and mammalian species were 36 to 86% for nucleotides and 25 to
96% for predicted amino acid sequence. The polymorphisms of some gene fragm
ents between the Leghorn and Fayoumi lines will allow for investigation of
associations of these genes with immune response and other biological trait