The effects of acetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate on glial amino acid
metabolism were studied in primary cultures of astrocytes. The exchang
e of nitrogen among amino acids was measured with N-15 as a metabolic
probe and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as a tool with which to
quantify isotope abundance. Addition of either acetoacetate or 3-hydr
oxybutyrate (5 mM) to the incubation medium did not alter the initial
rate of appearance of [N-15]glutamate in the glia, but it did inhibit
transamination of glutamate to [N-15]aspartate. Addition of acetoaceta
te also inhibited formation of [2-N-15]glutamine, but 3-hydroxybutyrat
e had a stimulatory effect. The presence in the medium of sodium aceta
te (5 mM) was also associated with diminished production of [N-15]aspa
rtate and [2-N-15]glutamine with [N-15]glutamate as precursor. Studies
with [2-N-15]glutamine as precursor indicated that treatment of the a
strocytes with ketone bodies did not alter flux through the glutaminas
e pathway. Nor did the presence of the ketone bodies reduce significan
tly the flux of nitrogen from [N-15]GABA to [2-N-15]glutamine when the
former species served as a metabolic tracer. The concentration of int
ernal citrate increased in the presence of acetoacetate, 3-hydroxybuty
rate, and acetate. Studies with purified sheep brain glutamine synthet
ase showed that citrate inhibited this enzyme. These findings are cons
idered in terms of the known anticonvulsant effect of a ketogenic diet