Objective: Historically, wide variations in the shear bond strength of resi
n composite bonded to dentin have been reported,The purpose of this study w
as to compare 5 commercially available single-bottle dentin banding systems
while controlling several sources of variation in shear bond strengths. Me
thod and materials: Extracted molars were stored for 2 weeks in 0.5% Chlora
mine T. The teeth were mounted, the occlusal enamel was removed to expose m
iddle dentin, and the exposed dentin was etched and treated according to 1
of 6 protocols. Finally, a cylinder of resin-based composite was bonded to
the dentin. After 24 hours, specimens were fractured under shear force, and
the results were recorded in megapascals, Results: The type of product use
d was significantly associated with the mean shear bond strength observed.
All products exhibited some degree of variation from specimen to specimen.
One product, PQ1, exhibited less variation than the other 4 products. Concl
usion: PQ1 was found to have a significantly higher mean shear bond strengt
h than the other 4 products tested. There was no significant difference bet
ween specimens bonded to dry dentin and specimens bonded to wet dentin when
using PQ1.