Starch media blast cleaning is an environmentally benign coating removal pr
ocess increasingly used as an alternative to traditional coating removal te
chniques. The main objective of this work was to provide a method for predi
cting the paint stripping rate of an aged paint system, through a knowledge
of some fundamental physical properties of the paint/substrate system (e.g
. hardness and modulus of elasticity). It was shown that aging of the alumi
num panels painted with polyurethane significantly increased the hardness o
f the coatings, but did not have a significant effect on the coating modulu
s of elasticity. It was also shown that the coating became more erosion res
istant as it aged, and that it was possible to predict the paint removal ra
te by in situ measurement of the coating dynamic hardness and coefficient o
f restitution. It was concluded that coating erosion resistance increased w
ith increasing coefficient of restitution. The relative erosion resistance
of the aged coatings was explained on the basis of differences in modulus o
f elasticity and dynamic hardness. As expected, for a constant modulus of e
lasticity, a higher dynamic hardness gives higher erosion resistance. (C) 2
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