Previous studies on the changes in interest of boys and girls in physics al
low only limited conclusions about change to be drawn due to the quasi-long
itudinal nature of the data. Using data from a genuine longitudinal study,
this is the first paper to present results about individual changes in inte
rest in physics of girls and boys. Changes in a categorical type variable r
eferring to eight areas of contents in physics are modelled for girls and b
oys using the latent Markov model in its multiple group version. Substantia
l results common to all eight areas of contents are: Boys start off with a
higher probability of belonging to the type of "interest in physics as form
alized science" while girls have a higher probability of belonging to the t
ype of "interest in applications and socially relevant issues of physics."
This difference in the distribution of types for boys and girls increases o
ver time due to gender specific changes from one type to another.