The ambient logic has been proposed for expressing properties of process mo
bility in the calculus of Mobile Ambients (MA), and as a basis for query la
nguages on semistructured data.
To understand the extensionality and the intensionality of the logic, the e
quivalence on MA processes induced by the logic (=(L)) is compared with the
standard MA behavioural equivalence and with structural congruence (an int
ensional equivalence, used as an auxiliary relation in the definition of sa
tisfaction of the logic). The main contributions include a co-inductive cha
racterisation of =(L) as a,form of labelled bisimilarity, and axiomatisatio
ns of =(L) on the synchronous and asynchronous (finite) calculus.
The study shows that, surprisingly, the logic allows us to observe the inte
rnal structure of the processes at a very fine-grained detail, much in the
same way as structural congruence does. A spin-off of the study is a better
understanding of behavioural equivalence in Ambient-like calculi. For inst
ance, behavioural equivalence is shown to be insensitive to stuttering phen
omena originated by processes that may repeatedly enter and exit an ambient