The tumor suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) is mutated in fa
milial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and sporadic colorectal tumors. The prod
uct of the Ape gene (APC) has been found to bind to beta -catenin and human
homolog of discs large (hDLG), and to be involved in the Wnt/Wingless sign
aling pathway. In this study, we examined distribution and subcellular loca
lization of APC and its colocalization with beta -catenin and hDLG in the m
ouse kidney by immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy. APC was
highly expressed throughout the medullary region of the kidney, and localiz
ed mainly in the basal cytoplasm of epithelial cells of the thin portion of
Henle's loop. It was found that APC was colocalized with beta -catenin and
hDLG by double-immunolabelling at both light- and electron-microscopic lev
els. These results suggest that APC complexed with beta -catenin and hDLG m
ay be involved in some signaling pathways regulating cellular functions of
Henle's loop epithelial cells.