Introduction, Scleromyxedema is the consequence of a dermal infiltration by
mucine, commonly associated with a monoclonal gammapathy of unknown signif
Case report. A 46 year-old woman was hospitalized for a scleromyxedema with
a bilateral macular edema and a restricted pulmonary syndrome. A quite com
plete cutaneous response and a complete ocular and pulmonary response were
obtained after 12 extracorporeal photopheresis courses and 4 flashes of pre
dnisolone (17 months follow-up).
Comments, There is no consensus on guidelines for the treatment of scleromy
xedema. Steroids and melphalan are usually indicated. However these drugs i
nduce severe side-effects. In the absence of controlled studies concerning
the efficiency of the different drugs used in scleromyxedema, the main adva
ntage of photopheresis lies in the safety of this procedure.