Resection of carotid body tumors (neck paragangliomas) carries inherent ris
ks of injury to the cranial nerves and other structures as well excessive b
lood loss. Preoperative embolization has been used to lessen the morbidity
in tumors that are larger than 2 cm in diameter. Two female patients presen
ted for treatment with large asymptomatic carotid body tumors-one 4 cm and
one 5 cm in diameter. Both patients had preoperative angiography the day be
fore surgery that revealed the feeding arterial vessels so that successful
embolization could be accomplished with gel. Success was judged by diminuti
on of the angiographic blush. Both patients had an uneventful surgical exci
sion the following day with the carotid body tumors being able to be resect
ed periadventitially without damage to either the external or internal caro
tid artery. The cranial nerves were preserved in both patients and blood lo
ss was only 200 cc in both cases. We conclude that preoperative embolizatio
n is an important adjunct in treating patients with large carotid body tumo
rs. The surgical exploration proceeds much smoother, the blood loss is mini
mal, and patients have minimal morbidity.