Statistical theory indicates that restriction of the range of possible valu
es of normally distributed variables, and many non-normal variables, reduce
s correlations in unrestricted populations. Contrary to this typical outcom
e, results of a simulation study show that range restriction sometimes incr
eased the correlation between variables having outlier-prone distributions.
This result occurred in the case of exponential and ex-Gaussian distributi
ons, which are encountered in experimental studies involving response times
. It did not occur in truncated versions of the same densities. Chance occu
rrence of outliers in contaminated-normal, or mixed-normal, distributions r
educed the correlation found between samples from uncontaminated population
s. Conversely, detection and downweighting of outliers increased the magnit
ude of sample correlations, and a similar result occurred far many other ou
tlier-prone distributions. Practical implications of these findings are dis