1. Two experiments were carried out in a Scottish river to test the effects
of electrofishing on endangered freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera ma
2. In the first experiment, two areas of mussel bed were marked out as trea
tment and control sites and the former was electrofished using standard equ
ipment. The mussels were examined 10 min, 24 h and 35 days after treatment
and their shell valve closure responses, burrowing capabilities and gravidi
ties were recorded as signs of normal 'functioning'.
3. In the second experiment, individual mussels were marked as treatments a
nd controls and the former were electrofished. These mussels were examined
as before.
4. No mortalities occurred and no significant differences in 'functioning'
between treatments and controls were observed in either experiment.
5. Since no measurable treatment effect could be demonstrated, it appears t
hat electrofishing did not adversely affect the short-term survival of M. m
argaritifera. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.