Hyperphosphatemic tumoral calcinosis (HTC) is an inherited metabolic disord
er characterized by calcified soft tissue masses and hyperphosphatemia. Bes
ides these typical features, a number of less common manifestations have be
en reported, all of them related to pathologic calcification of various tis
sues. We have investigated the case of a woman with hyperphosphatemia, recu
rrent episodes of lumbar pain, and a positive familial history of HTC, A bo
ne scan showed markedly increased uptake in the lon er lumbar spine. Magnet
ic resonance imaging showed pathological changes in L5 compatible with an i
nflammatory reaction and not suggestive of neoplastic process. There was no
evidence of infection, trauma, malignancy, or other disease that could cau
se the lesion. We treated the patient with analgesics and NSAIDs and the pa
in remitted over a period of 1 week, In a follow-up magnetic resonance imag
ing 7 months later, the L5 lesion had disappeared completely, A computed to
mography scan analysis with a bone window showed a sclerotic area at the L5
vertebral body. We believe that this patient was affected by the syndrome
of HTC and that the inflammatory phenomena found in L5 are a manifestation
of this disease. (Bone 28:316-318; 2001) (C) 2001 by Elsevier Science Inc.
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