Maintenance of genomic methylation patterns in mammalian somatic cells depe
nds on DNA methyltransferase-1 (Dnmt1). Mouse oocytes and preimplantation e
mbryos lack Dnmt1 but express a variant of this protein called Dnmt1o. We e
liminated Dnmt1o by deletion of the oocyte-specific promoter and first exon
from the Dnmt1 locus. Homozygous animals were normal, but most heterozygou
s fetuses of homozygous females died during the last third of gestation. Al
though genomic methylation patterns were established normally in Dnmt1o-def
icient oocytes, embryos derived from such oocytes showed a loss of allele-s
pecific expression and methylation at certain imprinted loci. Transient nuc
lear localization of Dnmt1o in 8-cell embryos suggests that this variant of
Dnmt1 provides maintenance methyltransferase activity specifically at impr
inted loci during the fourth embryonic S phase.