Objective: Surgical trauma results in diffuse sympathoadrenal activati
on which is thought to contribute to perioperative cardiovascular comp
lications in high risk patients, Regional anesthetic and analgesic tec
hniques can attenuate this ''stress response'' and reduce the occurren
ce rate of adverse perioperative events; however, their use in the pos
toperative period is logistically difficult and costly. The present st
udy was undertaken to evaluate whether transdermal administration of t
he alpha(2) adrenergic-receptor agonist, clonidine, can be used as a p
harmacologic means of blunting the stress response throughout the peri
operative period, Design: Double-blind, placebo controlled clinical tr
ial in patients undergoing pancreatico-biliary surgery, Setting: Opera
ting rooms and surgical intensive care unit of a major university teac
hing hospital. Patients: Forty patients scheduled for major upper abdo
minal surgery. Interventions: Patients received either clonidine (0.2
mg orally and a clonidine TTS-3 patch the evening before surgery and 0
.3 mg orally on call to the operating room) or matched oral and transd
ermal placebo, Measurements and Main Results: Heart rate, systemic art
erial blood pressure, plasma catecholamine, clonidine, interleukin-6 c
oncentrations, and 24-hr urine cortisol and nitrogen excretion were me
asured the day before surgery and daily thereafter for 72 hrs postoper
atively, Preoperative transdermal (and oral) clonidine administration
resulted in therapeutic plasma clonidine concentrations throughout the
perioperative period (1.54 +/- .07 [SEM] mu g/mL). Clonidine reduced
preoperative epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations by 65%, Pla
sma catecholamine concentrations increased in both groups following su
rgery but were markedly lower throughout the postoperative period in p
atients receiving clonidine. Patients receiving clonidine had a reduce
d frequency rate of postoperative hypertension, Clonidine had no effec
t on plasma interleukin-6 concentration, urine cortisol excretion, or
urine nitrogen excretion, No adverse effects of clonidine administrati
on were observed. Conclusions: The combined administration of oral and
transdermal clonidine effectively attenuated the catecholamine respon
se to surgical stress throughout the postoperative study period, Cloni
dine administration produced specific sympatholytic effects, since oth
er elements of the stress response were not attenuated, Undesirable si
de effects were not noted, The sustained sympatholytic effects we obse
rved suggest that alpha(2) adrenergic-receptor agonists may offer a ph
armacologic means of modifying the sympathoadrenal response to injury,
and may be useful in reducing perioperative complications.