Previous analyses have shown that unconfined deflagrations propagating thro
ugh both porous and nonporous energetic materials can exhibit a thermal/dif
fusive instability that corresponds to the onset of various oscillatory mod
es of combustion. For porous materials, two-phase-flow effects, associated
with the motion of the gas products relative to the condensed material, pla
y a significant role that can shift stability boundaries with respect to th
ose associated with the nonporous problem. In the present work, additional
significant effects are shown to be associated with confinement, which prod
uces an overpressure in me burned-gas region that leads to reversal of the
gas flow and hence partial permeation of the hot gases into the unburned po
rous material. This results in a superadiabatic effect that increases the c
ombustion temperature and, consequently, the burning rate. Under the assump
tion of gas-phase quasi-steadiness. an asymptotic model is presented that f
acilitates a perturbation analysis of both the basic solution, correspondin
g to a steadily propagating planar combustion wave, and its stability. The
neutral stability boundaries collapse to the previous results in the absenc
e of confinement, but different trends arising from the presence of the gas
-permeation layer are predicted for the confined problem. Whereas two-phase
-flow effects are generally destabilizing in the unconfined geometry, the e
ffects of increasing overpressure and hence combustion temperature associat
ed with confinement are shown to be generally stabilizing with respect to t
hermal/diffusive instability, analogous to the effects of decreasing heat l
osses on combustion temperature and stability in single-phase deflagrations