Diabetic alterations of myocardial metabolism result mainly from malfunctio
ns of acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase, carnitine-palmitoyl-transferase-1 and
pyruvate-dehydrogenase inducing an overshoot of fatty acid oxidation that i
nhibits glucose oxidation, Gene expression of pyruvate-dehydrogenase and gl
ucose transporters and depression of the third step of the mitochondrial re
spiratory chain also contribute to the diabetic alterations of myocardial m
etabolism, Ischaemic cardiovascular alterations are common and treatment is
rarely successful in cases of diabetes since fatty acid oxidation is the c
ostliest metabolic pathway for oxygen. Thus, in diabetes, aerobic glycolysi
s gradually shifts to anaerobic glycolysis under ischaemia, with accumulati
on of lactate and acid metabolites that in turn induce myocardial deteriora
tion. Animal experiments have demonstrated that elective depression of acti
vity of carnitine-palmitoyl-transferase-1 enzyme-activity promotes glucose
oxidation and early rapid recovery of myocardial contractility, especially
under diabetic conditions. To reduce diabetic alterations of myocardial met
abolism, anti-diabetic treatment must be switched to insulin during the acu
te ischaemic and post-ischaemic period of coronary diseases. Trimetazidine
optimizes energy metabolism by selectively inhibiting action of the 3-ketoa
cyl-coenzyme A thiolase enzyme involved in beta -oxidation and inhibiting t
he overshoot of fatty oxidation, Trimetazidine, as the first 3-ketoacyl-coe
nzyme A thiolase inhibitor, therefore provides permanent myocardial cytopro
tection in stable angina pectoris, However, in our experience, this benefic
ial anti-anginal effect is only observed in well-controlled situations. Cor
on Artery Dis 12 (suppl 1):S29-S33 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins