As manufacturing technology moves toward more computerized automation,
statistical process control (SPC) techniques must adapt to keep pace
with the new environment and take advantage of the development in auto
mated on-line sensors. In this paper, a two-phase procedure is propose
d for combining an on-line sensor and a control chart to improve stati
stical process control decisions. In phase 1 of this procedure, a prod
uction process is monitored continually by a sensor. When a sensor war
ning signal is observed, phase 2 takes place: A sample of items is dra
wn from the process and inspected. If the sample mean is outside the p
redetermined control limits, the process is stopped, and a search is i
nitiated to determine the actual process status for possible necessary
adjustment. If the sample mean is within the control limits, the proc
ess continues. A mathematical model is formulated for jointly determin
ing the sample size and the control limit of the control chart and a d
ecision rule for sending out sensor warning signals. The model is base
d on the assumption that there is only a weak relationship between the
sensor measurement and the process condition. A solution algorithm ba
sed on a numerical search is developed. A numerical example is used to
show the advantage of the proposed model over the models based separa
tely on the sensor and the control chart, and a sensitivity analysis i
s used to show the effects of several important model parameters on th
e optimal solution.