The feeding behavior of cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch (Homoptera: Aph
ididae) was examined on seedlings of narrow leafed lupin, Lupinus angustifo
lius L., and yellow lupin, L. luteus L., using electronic monitoring of ins
ect feeding behavior (EMIF). Aphid feeding behavior was first compared betw
een resistant (cv. Kalya) and susceptible (cv. Tallerack) varieties of narr
ow-leafed lupin. Aphids spent significantly more time in non- penetration a
nd stylet pathway activities, and significantly less time in the sieve elem
ent phase on Kalya than on Tallerack, suggesting that feeding deterrence is
an important component of aphid resistance in Kalya. Aphid feeding on a su
sceptible yellow lupin variety (cv. Wodjil) was then compared with that on
two resistant lines, one (Teo) with high and the other (94D024-1) with low
seed alkaloid content. There were no consistent differences in aphid feedin
g behavior between Wodjil and Teo. Total, mean and percentage sieve element
phase times were significantly lower, and total and percentage times in no
n-phloem phase were greater on 94D024-1 than on Wodjil, suggesting the poss
ibility of phloem-based deterrence in 94D024-1.