Three important practical issues in fostering the widespread use of paralle
l simulation technology are the availability of graphical user interfaces,
accessibility to parallel computing resources, and facilities for collabora
ting in the execution of simulations. The availability of sophisticated gra
phical interface development languages and environments, coupled with the a
dvent of universal accessibility via the Internet, makes it easier to addre
ss these issues. As part of our projects in high-performance telecommunicat
ion network simulation and in distributed federated simulations. we are dev
eloping a simulator-neutral interactive simulation framework called Jane. J
ane is intended to help users to remotely and collaboratively interact with
parallel simulations over the Internet, and to help them view their own mo
del-specific run-time animations. We document the architectural details of
the Jane framework along with the issues and challenges that we faced in de
signing and implementing interactivity features in the framework, specifica
lly in the context of our optimistic parallel simulator, GTW (Georgia Tech
Time Warp), and the telecommunication modeling language, TeD. (C) 2001 Else
vier Science B.V. All rights reserved.