Given a video frame in terms of its 8 x 8 block-DCT coefficients, we wish t
o obtain a downsized or upsized version of this frame also in terms of 8 x
8 block-DCT coefficients. The DCT being a linear unitary transform is distr
ibutive over matrix multiplication. This fact has been used for downsamplin
g video frames in the DCT domain. However, this involves matrix multiplicat
ion with the DCT of the downsampling matrix. This multiplication can be cos
tly enough to trade off any gains obtained by operating directly in the com
pressed domain. We propose an algorithm for downsampling and also upsamplin
g in the compressed domain which is computationally much faster, produces v
isually sharper images, and gives significant improvements in PSNR (typical
ly 4-dB better compared to bilinear interpolation). Specifically the downsa
mpling method requires 1.25 multiplications and 1.25 additions per pixel of
original image compared to 4.00 multiplications and 4.75 additions require
d by the method of Chang ct at, Moreover, the downsampling and upsampling s
chemes combined together preserve all the low-frequency DCT coefficients of
the original image. This implies tremendous savings for coding the differe
nce between the original frame (unsampled image) and its prediction (the up
sampled image). This is desirable for many applications based on scalable e
ncoding of video. The method presented can also be used with transforms oth
er than DCT, such as Hadamard or Fourier.