Reconstructing images of large high-contrast objects with microwave methods
has proved difficult. Successful images have generally been obtained by us
ing a priori information to constrain the image reconstruction to recover t
he correct electromagnetic property distribution, In these situations, the
measured electric field phases as a function of receiver position around th
e periphery of the imaging field-of-view vary rapidly often undergoing chan
ges of greater than pi radians especially when the object contrast and illu
mination frequency increase. In this paper, we introduce a modified form of
a Maxwell equation model-based image reconstruction algorithm which direct
ly incorporates log-magnitude and phase of the measured electric field data
. By doing so, measured phase variation can be unwrapped and distributed ov
er more than one Rieman sheet in the complex plane. Simulation studies and
microwave imaging experiments demonstrate that significant image quality en
hancements occur with this approach for large high-contrast objects. Simple
strategies for visualizing and unwrapping phase values as a function of th
e transmitter and receiver positions within our microwave imaging array are
described. Metrics of the degree of phase variation expressed in terms of
the amount and extent of phase wrapping are defined and found to be figures
-of-merit which estimate when it is critical to deploy the new image recons
truction approach, In these cases, the new algorithm recovers high-quality
images without resorting to the use of a priori information on object contr
ast and/or size as previously required.