In collision-based computing, quanta of information are represented by auto
nomous mobile signals. The signals travel in a uniform architectureless med
ium. They collide to each other. Assuming the presence or abscence of a sig
nal represent truth or falsity values of logical variable, we can consider
logical functions are calculated at the sites of signals' collision. Physic
ally, the signals are localized compact disturbances of medium's characteri
stics. In this paper, we extensively exploit results published in Refs. 1-7
. We consider three types of localizations: breathers in one-dimensional ar
rays of DNA molecules, excitons and groups of antialigned dipoles in two-di
mensional arrays of Scheibe aggregates and microtubules respectively. Sever
al forms of logical gates are extracted from published results on numerical
simulation of breathers and excitons. In cellular automata models, we stud
y interactions of the localizations with each other. We show what kinds of
logical gates can be realized in such interactions. Parallels between physi
cal and discrete automata models are provided.